Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Movie - Superbad

Movie - Superbad: Two guys (looks kind of laurel and hardy) are always together and they are going to complete their schooling and likely to be separated for their college days. As you have guessed, they talk a lot about sex but unfortunately they are 17 year old virgins. They are invited to a party and they are looking forward to having sex during the time of party. But they are supposed to procure alcohol before joining the party. Glorious turn of events occur like accidents, cops spoiling the party etc... and how the movie ends is something one can enjoy thoroughly...

Jonah Hill as Seth performed amazingly well and carries the movie on his shoulders. Christopher and McLovin provides damn good support compared to the second hero Michael (Evan).

Movie narration is very natural and doesnot provide great laughs post first 30 -40 minutes but this movie engages you fully and convincingly.

Terrible cops spoils the show to some extent and the over all rating is "worth watching". Far better than some of the americal pie series.

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